Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Susie's already getting cutsie!

So the weight on Sunday was 99.5 lbs. After a delicious homecooked meal, my stomach and bowels were quite satisfied. I've had no sugar; still have a diet soda a day. My dinner consisted of two pieces of corn-on-the-cob from the garden, a tomato from the garden, and some rice. I've baked over 200 sugar cookies with cream cheese frosting and haven't had so much as a little nibble. I've bought blow-pops and candies for my B.O.O.T. Attack at Youth Conference and haven't had one candy. Megan and Oscar had a lovely looking dessert tonight with ice cream, rice crispies, topped with chocolate and caramel sauce---I didn't have so much as a nibble. I haven't been able to exercise because of the demands of Youth Conference, but a lot of lifting has been happening. I'll be out of commission for the next three days because of conference and my diet is at the mercy of the camp chef. I will try to at least use small portions. I don't know if I'll win this competition, but I'm not going to cheat. So girls.... watch out!!

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