Sunday, September 28, 2008

So after ahard 3 days of youth conference I am exhausted yet spiritually very awake. I stepped on the scale to find I have lost 6 pounds. I did have a little slip up at conference I couldn't sleep one night. I took a nice warm shower and hit the kitchen for some milk and cookies. It was quite yummy. I had a very hard 2 mile walk, and played games with the kids. All in all I would say I am very satified with my success. As you know I have a very hard time droppin g weight so this will probably be the biggest number for a week that I will have. Constipation seems to be happening. I guess I'll increase the prunes. We had a nice meal tonight of halibet and salmon, roasted vegetables from the garden a green salad , some home grown fruit. Megan made a peach cobbler and some vanilla bean ice cream. We had crystal light for our drink.

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