Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I haven't seen a single person list their weight on this little blog so I'll be the first one with the juevos. If you don't got the guts to put up your weight then you don't have the guts to survive this competition. My weight is 244.4 lbs. There it is. By the time this is over I will be down to 214 lbs. and you will all once again cower beneath my will power (and owe me $50.) I know some of you have recently lost weight by a massive exodus from their bowels, but don't kid yourself into thinking that that will help. This is not a ice cream eating contest! Others of you think that because you play sports that you somehow have an edge. You may run around a few hours a day but I chase two kids all day, everyday. This is solely a test of self control and will. General Patten would run in fear of me and so should you!!!!

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