Sunday, September 28, 2008


Ok this was a fast and full week i lost a big 1oz and only because of the big deposit i made in the gas station at the rim maybe it should be called something else now. Kelley and sussie what a fob job you guys did We havent heard from April yet what is the matter with you aprilie are you scared of the big bad scall . by the way how is Joshua and is side or tummey. hope he is better today but you must know a nite in the hospital isnt going to get you off the hook. i know the second week is the hard one it proved to be for the bigest loosers and it will for you guys. i am just starting to hit my full potentul. I will not fail this week .but must admit the rest of you rocked now you must watch for the sleeping giant. i am woman hear me roar from what end im not telling ..

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