Sunday, October 19, 2008

To the Cheater Queen

We have all heard of the queen maddah. But did you know that she is the Queen maddah Cheatah?! Is the kind Dr giving you medical help? We on the other hand are tuffing it up, we haven't eaten in days, are losing muscle, are skin is sagging, and are bones are poking out. We decided to noursih oursleves before we died so we had a final meal of home cooked chinese foo, with balls all (Remember the hot pot)? This is the life we lead. In order to not pass out and die, we had to stuff our faces with chocolate cake, pumpkin cake, and top it off with some ice cream. This is what we are doing. While you are sitting in the plush DR office, we are counting calories and watching Burger king comercials hoping to taste a little something through the T.V. Wait, we did do some sit ups today, unfortuately the gas spewed forth out of our bums and only created trouble. We had to go into hiding because of all the guests here. Tomorrow restarts our fast. Our meals wil consist of the following:
Breakfast- A banana.
Lunch- A banana
Dinner- A banana dipped in nonfat plain yogurt

Queen Maddah, Although you are cheating, you will not prevail. Our youthful ways will prevail and our metabolism will have the upper hand. Keep seeing that doctor. Spend all that money, but remember to save a little for us and our winnings. MUAhahaha!

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