Friday, April 25, 2008

Healthier Choices

So, I'm not doing AS well as others are, meaning I haven't lost as much weight, but one thing I'm happier about is my growing habit for making healthier choices.
1. Last night I wanted pasta (with a browned butter garlic sauce of course) but instead made myself a delicious BBG chicken salad!
2. I'm learning to LOVE riceless sushi rolls
3. This morning instead of reaching for the bagel at the catering cart, I opted for a banana and carrot juice.
4. My latest favorite dessert is Fat Free Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding with strawberries on top! Check it out!

So what's the point? I feel good. I feel in control metally, and I'm learning that happiness is more than just a cheeseburger!

1 comment:

April said...

Hi Cat---it's definately not easy to overcome and I don't think you have to be perfect! I think a cheeseburger is not such a bad thing you just have to excercise more, forget the fries or eat less bad stuff the rest of the day! More power to ya!