Friday, April 25, 2008

Healthier Choices

So, I'm not doing AS well as others are, meaning I haven't lost as much weight, but one thing I'm happier about is my growing habit for making healthier choices.
1. Last night I wanted pasta (with a browned butter garlic sauce of course) but instead made myself a delicious BBG chicken salad!
2. I'm learning to LOVE riceless sushi rolls
3. This morning instead of reaching for the bagel at the catering cart, I opted for a banana and carrot juice.
4. My latest favorite dessert is Fat Free Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding with strawberries on top! Check it out!

So what's the point? I feel good. I feel in control metally, and I'm learning that happiness is more than just a cheeseburger!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Poor Sue....No Support....So Sad

ha..ha..ha..ha........I shall RULE!!! Just weighed in and the total is 22 down and adding a light weight lifting routine. We'll see if you can catch up!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Queen Mother speaks

ok. so i have rocked and rolled this week watch out aprilee i know i have you on the run. and those cute little girls cant save you oh queen modder be nice to my mom ha,ha. mabe i will by them a little outfit with my winnings. but then maybe not. who knows what suella will do. now for cattlyn you can go raw all you wont but you will never bett the queen of mean acnd i wont every one to know the double d are a bit bust. they or should i say one of them are eating dounut s, and tost and sugar what the heck for a suport team thats moto is all the way or bust. i think they are all bust.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Good week

So even though my week started out on the wrong foot (I was in the desert with Davids family and their delicious cooking) I was still able to shed another 3.2 lbs. Im geared up for this week and looking forward to FINALLY getting below that ugly 200.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Weigh in......18.1 lbs down!!!

Yes, I'm giving myself that .1 lb. It all counts. Da' Queen Mudda' has been here and we have been pretty dang good! I've exercised everyday! Eat My DUST BABY!!!! April

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Being at one and other thoughts

Here's hoping Dave becomes "one" with his clay and other important things. Catt is in Lake Arrowhead for Conference weekend in order to help Dave not be tempted to become "one" with anything other than his clay. The price these artists pay for their art.

I have declared a moratorium for the weight loss during this weekend. We are feasting on the Word and other temporal delights. Monday will find me on the straight and narrow again.

Next week I will be in SLC to help April get her website finished. My part is to care for the "darlings" (which is hard duty) yet rewarding all the more. If you need me call my cell phone and expect to have some background noise. Joyous pandemonium is mine for the next several days.

Exercise won't be a problem.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's Official

I've fallen off the bandwagon!!!! One day won't kill me but that dang cheeseburger was calling my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So on to tomorrow and great ambition and self-control. I'm not giving up that easy. April

Granola Dave

So Dave is embarking on a raw fast for 14 days so he can become one with his clay and the earth. You think I'm kidding? Just ask him!

I'm hesitant to believe him when he says he'll go 14 days, but the granola in him just might pull it off. Plus he has all the encouragement in the world from his artist cronies!

So wish him luck, and pray for me to have patience...last time he did this he whined and moaned non-stop!!