Tuesday, March 4, 2008

watch out for micky

ok, so this is really embarassing. I weigh 168 eeeewwww grows!!!!. my goal is to get to 135. It may have taken me a little longer to get motivated but im here now family, you all need to watch out! Im determined to loose the most and win this. Beware, be very aware of micky.


Queen Mother said...

micky micky micky have you disapered where are you are you tring to stay under the raider will i know you were at aprils doing her gook try but i will wipe you out with my streching and bike wridding for now my butt is not so sore i can and will be the bigest looser so try to keep up with the queen if you can.

mikki said...

whateve mom! Ive lost 3 pounds and im not even trying yet. With all this moving that im going to be doing here i will adleast drop another 5. Then when I really start trying theres no more compitition. I will be victorious!!!!!! nice try mom, maybe you will get a good second place metal.